What is Oral Sedation?
Oral sedation involves taking a small pill or liquid medicine prior to your dental procedure. The medicine is designed to relax and calm you down enough for the work to be done. This sedative option is ideal for individuals who are typically nervous when coming in for different treatments. We will instruct you on when and how to take the pill in order for it to work properly.
Why would Oral Sedation be needed?
There are several reasons for why you might benefit from oral sedation. First, we might recommend this option if you tend to be nervous and scared when coming into the office to have work done. You might benefit from oral sedation if you have trouble sitting still for your appointment or would like to stay calm and relaxed at all times while in the chair. You might also benefit from oral sedation if you have an easy gagging reflex, or "white coat syndrome", where your blood pressure rises in medical environments. This type of sedative option is quick, easy and provides you with the calming effects you want.
Who is a candidate for Oral Sedation?
Many of our patients have struggled with dental anxiety due to negative experiences prior to becoming our patients. Before offering any type of sedation, we will carefully review your health and medical history. We will then recommend the sedative that is right for you and your needs. Our goal is to create such positivity in our patients' dental experiences with us that we can eventually not need sedation for their routine dental care. Most patients coming into our office can benefit from oral sedation, and we'll discuss how it should be taken in order for it to work properly. Oral sedation is best suited to any patient who has the MTHFR mutation who can't tolerate Nitrous Oxide, or for whom nitrous oxide is insufficient.
What happens during Oral Sedation?
The oral sedation process begins by offering you a small and easy-to-swallow pill. You will take this pill in our office 1 hour before the start of your appointment. You will need someone to drive you both to and from the office, as well as to stay with you for 6 hours after your dental appointment. The medication is designed to relax you and calm you down enough for the work to be done. You can take this medication before any of your future appointments. Many have found that oral sedation helps to make the dental experience more comfortable and enjoyable.
If you think you might benefit from oral sedation, call our office today and our friendly staff members will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.